how to deal with journal article refusal?

How to deal with journal article refusal?

Do you remember the previous post why are your journal articles rejected?  Although the feeling of heartwarming when receiving a rejection letter from the editor or reviewer of the article,…

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writing journal article

Writing journal articles – awareness or obligation?

Writing scientific articles to be published in the journal are an interesting activity. This is for those who are used to writing. For those who aren’t used to writing. Never mind…

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How to get through a reputable journal

How to get through a reputable journal

Writing articles for publication in reputable scientific journals is certainly different from writing opinion articles. The energy, time, and cost that are devoted to writing scientific articles are greater than…

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How to review journal articles critically

How to review journal articles critically

Have you read the previous post entitled the importance of literature review in research? It has become a standard procedure when a supervisor or promoter asks students to review articles…

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Why are your journal articles rejected?

Why are your journal articles rejected?

Have you ever had the experience of articles sent to a journal, after waiting so long it was rejected? Mixed feelings echo – anger, heartache, no appetite, discouragement blending into…

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