why are ethics important in academic culture

Why are ethics important in academic culture?

Higher education is an exclusive environment. The campus is a separate community or society called the academic community. There are activities and rules in campus that are different from other…

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Understanding the 9 personalities of entrepreneurs

Managing universities with the Dunlop principle

In the business world, there is a lot of literature on how to run a company.  Some literature written by experts in their fields, contains matters related to business ownership,…

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4 pillars of education

The 4 main pillars of education

Our current education system is built with reference to the objectives of the education program not the participants. Goals, materials, and methods of education are determined based on what is…

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benefits of online learning

What are the benefits of online learning?

Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the way teaching and learning are delivered. Thanks to the development of digital technology. It helps us continue our academic activities through online courses. It drives…

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writing journal article

Writing journal articles – awareness or obligation?

Writing scientific articles to be published in the journal are an interesting activity. This is for those who are used to writing. For those who aren’t used to writing. Never mind…

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write a text book

How to write a good textbook

Books are the windows to the world. Books open up knowledge insights for readers. Literacy cannot be maximized without the presence of books. The academic world feels bland without the…

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Plagiarism, the scary specter

Plagiarism, the scary specter

In the world of writing, whether scientific or popular articles, there are ethics that must be maintained and adhered to. One of them, the article we create must be free…

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How to develop a good university governance

How to develop a good university governance

The management of a university is different from  the management of  other institutions and organizations, due to the unique nature of the university.  This institution  not only produces and presents…

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