Is gender equality needed in business?

Is gender equality needed in business?

Gender is the difference between men and women that is not natural. Differences that are not natural include differences in roles, responsibilities, functions, and even the space in which humans…

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Understanding the 9 personalities of entrepreneurs

Managing universities with the Dunlop principle

In the business world, there is a lot of literature on how to run a company.  Some literature written by experts in their fields, contains matters related to business ownership,…

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recognizing yourself triggers entreprenerial intention

Recognizing yourself triggers entrepreneurial intentions

When you want to be a successful entrepreneur, this article will guide you how to trigger your entrepreneurial intentions. Humans have desires and needs that increase with age. One of…

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What, why and how is urban university?

What, why and how is urban university?

The university undergoes metamorphosis with the development of the times. Society is beginning to question the function and role of universities because of the changes.  Will the university become an…

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How to build an effective leadership?

How to build an effective leadership?

Leadership is a force in which one person has the ability to influence or change the values, beliefs, behaviors and attitudes of others. An effective leader characteristic is that they…

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an effective organization in academic

What makes an effective organization structure in academic environment?

The structure of the college is largely determined by the age of the college and the combination of disciplines, locations, and the size of the university includes its alumni.  The…

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leadership for 21st century

Leadership challenges for the 21st century

Global competition in politics, economics, culture, social and other fields today require every organization to carry out various adaptive and proactive reform strategies in an effort to maintain its existence….

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How to develop entrepreneurial attitudes

How to develop entrepreneurial attitudes

Motivating students to take part as entrepreneurs requires patience. Why? Because being an employee after graduating from college has been embedded in the mindset of most students. In fact, of…

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