Understanding the 9 personalities of entrepreneurs

Understanding the 9 personalities of entrepreneurs

During my entrepreneurship course, I ask my students to question themselves whether they have a personality character asan entrepreneur. Common questions when someone intends to pursue a profession as an…

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Should business education transform in the disruption era?

Should business education transform in the disruption era?

Rapid change in the business sector, demanding the world of campuses – graduate suppliers can meet the needs of users, whether companies or public agencies. So, what is business education?…

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Entrepreneurs need creativity and innovation

Entrepreneurs need creativity and innovation

Once upon a time, I saw how a painter worked! Painters will pour various ideas that they have on the canvas so that it becomes a beautiful painting. Being a…

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being an entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur is a choice

When you’ve completed your studies in college, it’s the beginning of a journey through the real world. Real because it could be what you get in college, not in line…

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International conference

Postgraduate of UNJ conducts international conference

For the second time the Postgraduate of Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) is conducting an international conference on Humanities, Education and Social Sciences. This International Conference is a commitment by the…

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why are ethics important in academic culture

Why are ethics important in academic culture?

Higher education is an exclusive environment. The campus is a separate community or society called the academic community. There are activities and rules in campus that are different from other…

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How to build a strong academic culture?

How to build a strong academic culture?

Academic culture as a subsystem of universities plays an important role in efforts to build and develop the culture and civilization of society and the nation as a whole. University…

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how to deal with journal article refusal?

How to deal with journal article refusal?

Do you remember the previous post why are your journal articles rejected?  Although the feeling of heartwarming when receiving a rejection letter from the editor or reviewer of the article,…

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