Postgraduate of UNJ conducts international conference

International conference

For the second time the Postgraduate of Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) is conducting an international conference on Humanities, Education and Social Sciences. This International Conference is a commitment by the Postgraduate UNJ to realize UNJ’s vision and mission to be a world class university and to develop a reputation throughout the Asia region. The first conference was held in 2019. Now the Postgraduate UNJ, in collaboration with Asia University, Taiwan, and Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, is holding the Second International Conference on Humanities, Education and Social Sciences  (ICHEdS ) 2022 on 16-17 July 2022. The conference is chaired by Prof. Dr. Arita Marini and the theme is “Innovative Education to Embrace Adaptability and Transformation for Society in the 5.0 Industrial Era.” The activity is being implemented in a hybrid manner, both offline and online.

This conference aims to unite scholars from various disciplines, groups of scientists, and multi-disciplinary practitioners from around the world. The speakers will present papers and exchange ideas relating to various fields, including History Education, Language Education, Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Basic Education, Educational Technology, Multicultural Education, Education Management, Measurement and Assessment in Education, and Environmental Education, in terms of applications, trends, and future needs.

The conference committee has registered 170 registrations from various countries, including Australia, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, New Zealand, Hongkong, German and Pakistan. There are seven keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Rekha Koul from Curtin University, Australia; Prof. Dr. Hafid Abbas from the State University of Jakarta, Indonesia; Prof. Dr. Yinghuei Chen from Asia University, Taiwan; Prof. Dr. Kuen Fung Kenneth SIN from the Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Prof. Dr. Fauzia Shamim from Ziauddin University, Pakistan; Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hasberg from the University of Cologne, Germany; and Prof. Dr. Stephen Dobson, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Apart from the main conference ICHEdS is also offering a writing workshop with Dr. Lynette Pretorius, from Monash University, Australia. Participants also send paper to the committee who will be submitted to special issues in several journals international, and papers that meet criteria will published in the high reputable international journal.

Prof. Arita Marini, as the Chief Executive of ICHEdS 2022, reports that this is a continuation of ICHEdS 2019. It aims to create an academic atmosphere as a step in the development of human resources in the University. This is in line with the Postgraduate UNJ  Strategic Development Plan. The Postgraduate UNJ  has an ambition to achieve international recognition through expansion access international, said Prof. Arita Marini.

Prof. Arita Marini added that the organisation of international conferences also contributes to the University’s efforts to gain international accreditation for its degree programmes. So far, 17 postgraduate degree programmes have been accredited and a further 3 degree programmes will be granted accreditation soon. Finally, according to Prof Arita, hosting conferences helps the  Postgraduate UNJ reach its target of becoming a centre of learning and research in Asia.

Prof. Dr. Dedi Purwana, Director of the  Postgraduate UNJ, confirms that organising international conferences is important because it contributes to the reputation of the Postgraduate UNJ  in the Asian Region. Furthermore, being granted international accreditation by AQAS (Germany), strengthens the growth of an international standard academic atmosphere.

International conference
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