How to develop entrepreneurial attitudes

How to develop entrepreneurial attitudes

Motivating students to take part as entrepreneurs requires patience. Why? Because being an employee after graduating from college has been embedded in the mindset of most students. In fact, of the 40 students who attended entrepreneurship lectures, for example, less than 10% of them would answer YES steadily when asked if they were interested in becoming entrepreneurs. Certainly, the remaining 90% of them imagine becoming risky entrepreneurs.

The risks of becoming an entrepreneur certainly exist. Just like being an employee, is it not a risk? There must be a risk! The risk of losing your job when the company goes into bankruptcy. Unemployment also has risks. Well, if all there is a risk of the task of campus friends is how to minimize the risk.

The risk of becoming an entrepreneur can be suppressed with a good understanding of the attitude and mentality of an entrepreneur.  A number of ways can be done to develop attitude and mentality as an entrepreneur.  The following tips can be used to develop attitudes and mentalities if you want to become a successful entrepreneur:

First, know how to find satisfaction and be proud of your work and achievements. Remember, no matter how small the effort is, do it with pride. The purpose of an entrepreneur’s life is not just to make a profit. They will be satisfied and proud if their work benefits many people, whether consumers, suppliers, employees, and the surrounding community. This is a form of fulfillment of self-actualization, which Abraham Maslow claimed as the highest level of motivation for a person.

Second, always be positive about work. A positive attitude towards work will make the job exciting, interesting, and satisfying. Do not forget that always be positive about work, help increase productivity.

Third, take the opportunity to reflect on the activities that have been and will be carried out. This kind of self-reflection can be conducted every day for 10 minutes before going to bed. A successful entrepreneur always sticks to the principle today should be better than yesterday. Tomorrow must be better than what we do today.

  1. Develop a sense of humor.
  2. Focus your mind on solving problems.
  3. Have a good relationship with people who think positively and work as entrepreneurs.
  4. Stay away from negative thoughts and ideas. Know that thinking negatively about something will prevent you from grabbing the opportunities that exist.
  5. Must always be aware of opportunities to improve things both in personal life, work life and in people’s lives.
  6. Don’t be afraid to abandon an idea if it doesn’t come up with something right.
  7. Believe in yourself and your talents.  Success will come to yourself and your talents. Success will come in the person who believes in his ability and uses that ability to the fullest.

In addition to the above traits, there  are also several types of expertise that an entrepreneur must have. Some of these types of expertise include the following:

  1. Business engineering skills. An entrepreneur must master how the techniques of managing his business both related to the twists and turns of processing technical production at once to maintain the quality of his business. This requires precision, accuracy and talent that is in him.
  2. Information-seeking skills. Information is something that is important to know and at the same time anticipated by an entrepreneur. This information can be in the form of markets, product development and others so that the results of business production can always adjust and can always be accepted by consumers.
  3. The appearance of communicating. Communication skills for an entrepreneur is very necessary. This is extremely useful when conducting the correction of its products, negotiations, and the process of developing a business that will certainly deal with every layer of society.
  4. Skills in problem solving. Every entrepreneur will certainly be faced with various problems. Problems can occur within the company, or problems related to the surrounding community. In this situation, entrepreneurs are required to be able to solve problems by producing optimal solutions.
  5. Skills in planning.  Estimates of the future of the company can be outlined in the planning. Planning in the company is usually outlined in job proposals, targets and how to achieve them based on existing conditions. This is related to planning about the resources (types, amounts and criteria) needed in operational activities. This skill is very important for an entrepreneur.
  6. Skills in business management.  An entrepreneur is a business manager. In it there is a work process related to many people (employees). For this reason, management skills are needed, from business planning to how to produce profits in accordance with the plan. In managing his business, an entrepreneur must be able to implement in accordance with the planning that has been made and the ability of the resources owned.
  7. Skills to analyze the market.  Entrepreneurs are required to be able to estimate group targets, needs, turnover that can be absorbed and know with certainty the desires of consumers, both at this time and in the future. Thus, it can be estimated what products should be developed, what quality standards are demanded as well as which parts of the market are potential.
  8. Leadership anticipates business opportunities.  There is a saying that opportunities never come twice. Therefore, an entrepreneur is required to be skilled in capturing the opportunities that lie ahead of him; Both what is happening and what is going to happen. With the acumen of analyzing opportunities, a entrepreneur hero will be able to use their potentials. This can be utilized to deal with the possibility of the emergence of numerous opportunities so that the decision taken is the most appropriate decision. There are several things that must be considered and analyzed by entrepreneurs in anticipating business opportunities, namely: (1) Events that have been, are and will occur in the target area of the business; (2) Market forces that are and will occur in the target area of the business; (3) Business potential contained in the target area of the business; (4) Business facilities and carrying capacity, both available and not, but still needed in the target area of the business.

In order to be successful in running his business, an entrepreneur must have an interesting and fun personality. The following are key success factors being an entrepreneur:

  1. Always friendly to all parties,
  2. Looks fun,
  3. Be able to praise the other side,
  4. Communicate well with all parties,
  5. Have the ability in leadership (internal and external),
  6. Performing management functions,
  7. Big-spirited and soulful hero of the effort.
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